ACSOS 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Aarhus, Denmark

This year, ACSOS has some limited funding to support researchers in need to attend the conference in Aarhus.

Each travel grant is up to a maximum of USD $500, and is thus designed to partially fund the cost of attendance; the remaining costs will still need to be met elsewhere, for example by your university.

The Organizing Committee will prioritize applications from:

  • People presenting papers
  • Students with a topic of study highly relevant to ACSOS
  • Those from communities typically not well represented at ACSOS

If you are interested in applying, please carefully consider the different questions in the application form and fill in and submit the application at the latest until 10th August 2024.

For more information about these travel grants, you can contact the D&I Chairs: Aishwaryaprajna or Ana Petrovska.

Please apply for the ACSOS 2024 Travel Grants via the application form here.