ACSOS 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Aarhus, Denmark

Accepted Papers

An Adaptive Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Preference Learning: Application to Mobility
Main Track
An Aggregate Vascular Morphogenesis Controller for Engineered Self-Organising Spatial Structures
Main Track
An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Emergence and Leadership in Self-Organised Collective Action
Main Track
Characterization of Parallelism Techniques for Decision Tree Ensembles
Main Track
CIRCE: a Scalable Methodology for Causal Explanations in Cyber-Physical Systems
Main Track
Decentralized Multi-Drone Coordination for Wildlife Video Acquisition
Main Track
Dynamic Storage Selection for Mitigating Tail Latency in Serverless Pipelines
Main Track
Employing Software Diversity in Cloud Microservices to Engineer Reliable and Performant Systems
Main Track
EnCoMP: Enhanced Covert Maneuver Planning with Adaptive Target-Aware Visibility Estimation using Offline Reinforcement Learning
Main Track
Evaluating the Benefits of Model Retraining for Self-Aware Vehicle Traffic Forecasting
Main Track
Exploiting Controllers to Adapt Message-Oriented Middleware
Main Track
FairCIM: Fair Interference Mitigation by DNN Switching for Latency-Sensitive Inference Jobs
Main Track
FCA: Full Stack Causal Analysis for Microservice Performance Debugging
Main Track
Flexible Self-organisation for the Cloud-Edge Continuum: a Macro-programming Approach
Main Track
Load Balancing and Generalized Split State Reconciliation in Event Driven Systems
Main Track
Model Predictive Control of Internet Servers using Quantum Annealing
Main Track
Opportunistic Fully-Distributed Federated Learning
Main Track
REBA: Robotic Emotional-Based Awareness
Main Track
ReBeT: Architecture-based Self-adaptation of Robotic Systems through Behavior Trees
Main Track
Self-Adaptive Systems Challenges in Delivering Object-Based Media
Main Track
Self-Assembly and Synchronization: Crafting Music with Multi-Agent Embodied Oscillators
Main Track
Sustainability-aware Online Task and Charge Allocation for Autonomous Ground Robot Fleets
Main Track

Camera Ready Submission for Main Track Proceedings

STEP 1: Important Dates

  • At least one author per paper must early pay the registration fee by August 2, 2024.
  • Failure to register will result in your paper not being included in the proceedings.
  • Final camera-ready manuscripts must be submitted by July 19, 2024.

STEP 2: Page Limits

Your final paper must follow the page limits listed in the following table:

Paper Type Page Limit (including References)
Research Papers 10
Experience Reports 10
Vision Papers 6
Short Research Papers and Experience Reports 6
Extended Abstracts of Conference Keynotes 2


Please note: Extra pages are not accepted.

STEP 3: Formatting Your Paper

  • Submitted abstracts should not exceed 200 words.
  • Final submissions to ACSOS 2024 must be formatted in US-LETTER page size, must use the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format, and must be prepared in PDF format. Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates are available at the IEEE “Author Submission Site” HERE. The templates are available on the left-hand-side tab “Formatting Your Paper”.
  • Please, DO NOT include headers/footers or page numbers in the final submission.

STEP 4: Submitting Your Final Version

  • Once the format of your paper has been verified and validated, you may submit your final version.
  • All papers should be submitted using the submission system provided by IEEE “Author Submission Site” HERE.
  • After you login to the IEEE “Author Submission Site”, please, follow the instructions as you click the “Next” button on the top right corner of the site. Please, enter the following information exactly as appeared on your paper:
    1. Paper ID (Paper ID from EasyChair, eg. 4279)
    2. Names of authors, affiliations, countries, E-mail addresses,
    3. Titles, and abstracts.
  • To submit your final manuscript click HERE.

STEP 5: Submitting a Signed Copyright Release Form

  • ACSOS 2024 requires users to submit a fully digital version of the electronic IEEE Copyright-release Form (eCF). eCF is provided at the IEEE “Author Submission Site”.
  • Follow the instructions in the IEEE “Author Submission Site” to properly fill-out, and submit the IEEE Copyright-release Form (eCF), including:
    1. Paper’s full title
    2. All authors names
    3. Conference title: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS)
    4. Signature (on appropriate line)
  • The signed IEEE Copyright-release Form (eCF) should be submitted together with your camera-ready manuscripts on July 19, 2024.

If you have any questions about the above procedures, please contact the Proceedings Chair Elsy Kaddoum (

Note: Extra pages are not allowed. Please complete each of the above steps - the conference organizers will not be responsible if your paper is omitted from the proceedings, is not available online on IEEE Xplore, or is subject to additional processing costs, if these steps are not performed.

Call for Papers

The IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) is the leading forum for sharing the latest research results, ideas, and experiences in autonomic computing, self-adaptation, and self-organization. Now in its 5th edition, ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a merger of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) and the IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO).

The world is increasingly relying on autonomous systems: in robotics, manufacturing, software engineering, vehicles, data center systems, and precision agriculture, to name just a few areas. These systems are bringing autonomy to a whole new level of dynamic decision-making under uncertainty, requiring autonomic behavior (e.g., control theory, cybernetics) and self-reference, leading to a range of self-* properties (e.g., self-awareness, self-adaptation, self-organization), and an approach in which system implementation and its environment are holistically considered.

Despite this rise in autonomic and self-* systems, there remains a wide range of fundamental challenges in understanding how to design, control, reason about, and trust such systems. The IEEE ACSOS conference solicits novel research on these topics in fundamentals and methods as well as applications for autonomic and self-* systems. ACSOS is particularly proud of its long-standing academic breadth and innovative industry contributions and regularly features work from computational biologists through to operating systems researchers – united by the common theme of autonomous systems. The conference program will include research papers, in-practice experience reports, posters, demos, and a doctoral symposium. ACSOS 2024 solicits contributions from among (but not limited to) the following autonomic, self-adaptive and self-organizing theories, methods, and applications:


  • Heuristics
  • Optimization and configuration algorithms
  • Models for complex and adaptive systems


  • Support for adaptive systems
    • monitoring
    • analyzing
    • planing
    • execution
  • Specification of adaptation in
    • processes for development,
    • deployment
    • runtime
  • System support for adaptive systems
    • Operating systems
    • Middleware
    • Communication
  • Distributed learning (e.g., federated learning)


  • Software support for adaptive systems
    • Patterns in monitoring, analyzing, planning, execution
    • Software architectures
    • Languages for adaptive
  • Experiences and domains
    • Applications of self-organization in specific use cases
    • Insights of applying and evaluating real-world self-organizing systems
      • generic platforms, i.e., middleware, operating systems
      • specific applications
  • LLMs for self-adaptive and self-organizing systems (e.g., multi-robot planning)

Please note that this list is non-exhaustive. ACSOS strives to be a home for research in adaptive and self-organizing systems.

Best Papers

We intend to continue the tradition of giving the best papers of the conference an opportunity to publish an extended version in a special issue of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS).

The Karsten Schwan Best Paper Award will be awarded to a selected paper and the best student paper (where the primary author is a student).

Submission Instructions

Research Papers (up to 10 pages, including images, tables, and references) should present novel ideas in the cross-disciplinary research context described in this call, motivated by problems from current practice or applied research.

Experience Reports (up to 10 pages, including images, tables, and references) cover innovative implementations, novel applications, interesting performance results, and experience in applying recent research advances to practical situations on any topics of interest.

Vision Papers (up to 6 pages, including images, tables, and references) introduce ground-shaking, provocative, and even controversial ideas; discuss long-term perspectives and challenges; focus on overlooked or underrepresented areas, and foster debate.

Research papers and experience reports will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and made available in the IEEE Digital Library. Vision papers will be part of a separate proceedings volume (the ACSOS Companion).

All submissions are required to be formatted according to the standard IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide. Papers are submitted electronically in PDF format through the ACSOS 2024 conference management system via EasyChair:

As per the standard IEEE policies, all submissions should be original, i.e., they should not have been previously published in any conference proceedings, book, or journal and should not currently be under review for another archival conference. We would also like to highlight IEEE’s policies regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism: Where relevant and appropriate, accepted papers will also be encouraged to participate in the Demo or Poster Sessions.

All submissions will be subject to a rigorous double-blind peer-review and evaluated based on given criteria.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission:		May 14th, 2024 (extended)
Submission Deadline:		May 18th, 2024 (extended)
Notification to Authors:	June 24th, 2024
Camera Ready Submission:	July 19th, 2024

All times in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) timezone.