Registered user since Mon 21 Aug 2023
Since Oct. 2021, Sophie Cerf is a Research Scientist (ISFP) in the Spirals team of the INRIA center of the University of Lille, and lecturer at the Centrale Lille Institut. Prior to that, she was postdoc (Mar. 2020 - Sept. 2021 ) at INRIA, Grenoble (France) in the Ctrl-A team with Éric Rutten in collaboration with Argonne National Lab, Chicago (USA) and the Argo Projec; with an Inria International Lab - JLESC grant. Prior to that, she worked as a research assistant (July - Nov 2018) at IBM Research Center, Zurich (Switzerland) with A/Prof. Lydia Y. Chen. She received her PhD degree from the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France) in 2019 on the topic of Control Theory for Computing Systems, for which she worked under the supervision of Pr. Nicolas Marchand , Dr. Bogdan Robu from Gipsa-Lab, Grenoble and Pr. Sara Bouchenak from DRIM research team, LIRIS, INSA-Lyon. She received her computer science & control engineering degree in 2015 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, giving master’s degree.
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